Books andGuests from my Radio Show
Over the years I have met many friends and acquaintances that I have had the privilege to have on my Radio show on KSFO 560am Sunday mornings from 8-10am. Here is a list that I will add to as I recall them. Click on the name or organization to find out more:
Mobee Weinsstein - The Complete book of Ferns
Toni Gattone - The Lifelong Gardener
Kim Eierman-Pollinator Victory Garden
Robin Stockwell - The Succulent Guy
Barri Kaplan Bonapart - Tree law
Barry Hoffer - Maplesforallseasons - videos on Youtube
Marin county farmer's market - San Rafael
Jim Wilson Victory Garden past pres of GardenWriters of America
More of Jim's books on Amazon
Cathy Wilkinson Barash 16 books including 'Roses and Edible
Flowers from Garden to Palate also past President of GWA
Rosemarie Nicholes McGee - Bountiful Container
Saxon Holt Garden Photographer
Barbara Ellis - Many interesting books - Eastern Shore Gardener
-Attracting Birds and Butterflies
Nancy J. Ondra - Hayefield, a Pennsylvania Plant Geeks Garden
Douglas Kent - Firescaping etc
Jeff Lowenfels-Teaming with Microbs etal
Cal Orey - The Healing Powers Series
Randy Schultz - Home and Gardening Homestead, Media contact
Jessica Walliser - Horticulturalist, author, devoted bug lover
Pat Stone - Greenprints magazine
Debra Lee Baldwin - Queen of Succulents
Peggy Anne Montgomery - Garden Media Group
Orin and Manjula Martin - Fruit Trees for Every Garden
Marc Hamer - How to catch a Mole
Jere Gettle - National Heirloom Expo - rareseeds
Kevin Espiritu - Epic Gardening - Urban Gardening
Shelly Levis - Countertop Gardening
Parker Giarlitz - True Leaf Market, Microgreens
Dr. Judith Taylor - Horthistoria - 5 year Plan Geraniums - Olive
Lisa Eldred Steinkopf - House Plant Guru: Grow in the Dark
Mary Phillips - National Pollinator Garden Network
Amy Andrychowicz - Vertical Vegetables
David Mizejewski - Attracting Birds, Butterflies and other Backyard Wildlife - National Wildlife Foundation
Robert Kourk - Lazy-Ass Gardening
Emma Biggs - Gardening with Emma
Jan Johnson - Gardentopia/Heaven is a Garden
Kelly Rouke - Million Pollinator Garden Movement
Abby Artemisia - The WANDER School
Steve Bartholomew - son of Mel Bartholomew, Square Foot Gardening
Matt Mattus - Mastering the Art of Vegetable Gardening
John Schuster - WildwingCo.com
Freya Haanen - CLUCK A book of Happiness for chicken lovers
Jeff Cox -Bio Char: Supercharge your Soil
Ed Laivo - Ed "Able" solutions on Facebook
Susan Hand Shettertly - Seaweed Chronicles
Joel Kaesten - Straw Bale Gardening
Dr. Ingram Cass - American Wildfoods.com
Susan Hand Shettertly - Seaweed Chronicles
Lisa Steel - 101 Chicken Keeping Hacks
National Bonnie Plants Third Grade Cabbage Program
Lance Walheim - Great Expert Gardening Books Series
Amy Stewart - Kopp Sisters series and Gardening books
The Little Organic Farm - David Little Potatoes etc
Chris McLaughlin - Growing Heirloom Flowers
Tavis Lynch - Mushroom Cultivation
Brie Arthur - Foodscape Revolution
Emily Murphy - Grow what you Love'
Birdsongs for the Curious - Donald Kroodsma
Janet Lewis Sunset Western Gardens
James Mauseth A Cactus Oddessey