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My Favorite Things and Places
Messina's Pulverize products
Wild Wing Company - Attract Garden Helpers to your yard or Orchard
Plantskydd Animal Repellent
The Earthbox - Tell them Bob sent you!
Dr. Earth Garden Products
Deer Scram - Deer and Rabbit Repellent
No Mow flowering lawn by Clyde Robin Seeds
Monterey Lawn and Garden Products
Alfalfa Pellets -
The BugBlaster Water System
Seabright Labs for Yellow and blue sticky cards
G&B Organic Soils (Used to be Gardener in Bloom)
Cobra Head
Gopher Hawk
EB Stone Organics - Soil Booster etc
Farmer's Almanac
Mosquito dunks, bits, summit oil spray
Territorial Seed
Johnny Seeds
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Dave Wilson Nursery - Fruit Trees
Dave Austin Roses
Brent and Becky's Bulbs
Kawahara Nursery - Wholesale
Dramm Water Products
Wiltpruf (old product cloud cover)
Wilt Stop by Bonide
Ferti-lome Natural Guard
Home Garden Seed Association
Sunset Western Gardens Collection
Businesses I recommend
Orchard Nursery Lafayette
Alden Lane Nursery
Prickett's Nursery
Eisley Nursery
Almaden Valley Nursery
Ace Hardware - Pini's/Novato is mine
Sloat Garden Centers
California Rare Fruit Growers
Yamagami's Nursery
Creative Goose-Tech for Very small Businesses
Lyngso Garden Materials,Inc
Concord Feed and Supply
Western Garden Nursery- Pleasanton
Garden Delights Nursery
Biofuel Oasis Bee keeping
Fairfax Backyard Farmers
Annies Annuals
Davey Tree Service
Urban Farmer
Russian River Rose Company
Pini Ace Hardware - Novato
Marshall's Bay Area Organic Honey
Wegman's Nursery
La Toscana Restaurant
5 Reasons to Try Foodscaping Your Lawn
Books I recommend and Speakers *** Under construction :)
***See the next page for Books and guests from my radio show
Barbara Ellis - Attracting Birds and Butterflies
Amy Stewart
The Compost Gal
CalScape - Restore Nature one Garden at a time
Garden with Ease at Any Age by Toni Gattoni
Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems video Interviews
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